dog training

The Top Dog Training Know-Hows Every Fur Parent Needs

Being a dog parent is one of the ultimate joys anyone can find fulfillment in. But if you’re like many of us, there is also one thing that racks our heads, not to mention our temper, off- the dreaded dog training phase. Just hearing the words “dog training” is enough to put any fur parent to an uneasy mood. Not only is dog training known to be tough, but most people don’t even know where to start and what to consider as well.

best dog beds

The Best Dog Beds for Your Dog’s Best Rest

As dog owners, we’re bound to experience all the chasing and keeping up with our active and hyper-energetic pets. And just like us, they also deserve the best sleeping nook where they can rest on and get all their energy back. After all, they had a long day of running and barking at every sound they hear and everything they see. While they can simply snuggle and lay down throughout the house, your dog needs to have its own napping and resting space to get the best rest.

best air purifier for pets

The Best Air Purifier for Pets for the Year 2022

We love allowing pets to our rooms! However, it is unavoidable that some of us are allergic to them or have other health issues that don’t allow us close proximity to our pets. They can also leave an odd smell, especially if they stay in a room for long periods. Thus, the need for air purifiers arises. We, at The Furry Companion, compiled the best air purifier for pets list! Check our list for the top-rated air purifiers you can purchase for the year 2020!