To Pet or Not to Pet

pet skunk

Owning a Dazzling Pet Skunk: 18 Insider Questions You Need to Ask

“Why would someone even think of having a skunk as a household pet?!” might be anyone’s initial reaction to the idea of a pet skunk. But really, we can’t blame them. Skunks are infamously known to “smell bad,” making them a nightmare when they drop by for an unexpected visit during summer camps. Their scent is known to be so bad that it sticks to clothing for a few days even after washing. Which leads us to the question: can you really own a pet skunk? Here, we answer some of the questions about pet skunks.

pet owl

Owning a Pet Owl

Any avid fan of the Harry Potter series has dreamt at least once of getting a Hedwig of their own. Outside the box office, snowy white owls are not nearly as obedient as Mr. Potter’s. Any owl species is difficult to hold captive or domesticate. Wanna-be pet owl owners need to approach this decision with caution because of the challenges these feathery friends bring.

teacup dogs

Forbidden Teacup Dogs: 5 Reasons You Don’t Need Teacup Dogs

If you are Paris Hilton or just a certified dog-lover, you would know what teacup dogs are. The past two decades have been a time for “designer dogs” to be on-trend. You might be familiar with terms like “Maltipoo,” “puggle,” or “labradoodle.” All these dog breeds are “designed” to exhibit a specific type of look to appeal to some people. Teacup dogs are another prime example of a “designer dog.”