Kathy Hingan

A fitness junkie and a cosmopolitan traveler, Kathy is the mom of peppy baby Malaya and mixed beagle Holly. She’s a capable businesswoman who balances work with living a wanderlust life with her hooman and fur babies.

best wet cat food

Felines’ Finest: The Best Wet Cat Food

To all fellow cat enthusiasts: it’s safe to say the company of our fine feline friends has proven to be both heartwarming and soothing. A survey conducted by the Cats Protection charity in the United Kingdom has found that those who spend time with kittens or cats feel calmer and less upset. Like their canine counterparts, cats have been known to improve the overall health of humans and influence our personalities.

pet skunk

Owning a Dazzling Pet Skunk: 18 Insider Questions You Need to Ask

“Why would someone even think of having a skunk as a household pet?!” might be anyone’s initial reaction to the idea of a pet skunk. But really, we can’t blame them. Skunks are infamously known to “smell bad,” making them a nightmare when they drop by for an unexpected visit during summer camps. Their scent is known to be so bad that it sticks to clothing for a few days even after washing. Which leads us to the question: can you really own a pet skunk? Here, we answer some of the questions about pet skunks.

pet owl

Owning a Pet Owl

Any avid fan of the Harry Potter series has dreamt at least once of getting a Hedwig of their own. Outside the box office, snowy white owls are not nearly as obedient as Mr. Potter’s. Any owl species is difficult to hold captive or domesticate. Wanna-be pet owl owners need to approach this decision with caution because of the challenges these feathery friends bring.

teacup dogs

Forbidden Teacup Dogs: 5 Reasons You Don’t Need Teacup Dogs

If you are Paris Hilton or just a certified dog-lover, you would know what teacup dogs are. The past two decades have been a time for “designer dogs” to be on-trend. You might be familiar with terms like “Maltipoo,” “puggle,” or “labradoodle.” All these dog breeds are “designed” to exhibit a specific type of look to appeal to some people. Teacup dogs are another prime example of a “designer dog.”

emotional support dog training

7 Essential Things You Need to Know About Emotional Support Dog Training

A dog is truly a man’s best friend. Aside from guarding your house and being a pet, your dog can also be trained to become an emotional support dog. If you want your dog to be your emotional support, you must know about this essential information about emotional support dog training. We, in The Furry Companion, compiled this information to help you in your journey of emotional support dog training.

dog behaviorist

Dog Behaviorist 101: A Detailed and Beneficial Guide

For dog owners, you would know too well that they can be a little rowdy sometimes. They might even have several behavioral problems that can drive you crazy. Your dogs might be tackling your guests or jumping at your table during meals. You can resolve these issues by hiring a skilled trainer. However, if the situation seems to be more severe, and you’re not sure what to do, then you might consider hiring a dog behaviorist instead.